State Requirements
Rhode Island / Non-Resident Adjuster Licensing / Individual
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- Fees shown are state fees only. These fees do not include NIPR transaction fees.
- Unless noted, all fees are charged per application.
Company/ Independent Adjuster
- Fee: $250.00
- Reinstatement Fee: $300.00
Public Adjuster
- Fee: $250.00
- Reinstatement Fee: $300.00
Emergency Adjuster
- Fee: $0.00
Please note that license class names can vary by state.
Please choose your license type and line(s) of authority (LOA) carefully as the electronic application is 100% user driven. Rhode Island Insurance Division will not honor a refund request if you apply for the wrong license by accident, if you apply for the same license more than once (back-to-back), or if you apply for the wrong LOA. If you do not see the line(s) of authority that you expect to see because you took an exam, please do not apply for "Crop" because it's the only selection available to you. It takes 3-5 days for the exam results to be reported to NIPR and when those results are reported, you will be able to apply for the applicable LOA. The Rhode Island Insurance Division will not verify with applicants who only choose "Crop" to ensure the applicant truly meant to apply for that LOA.
Company/ Independent Adjuster
- Property & Casualty
- Crop
- Workers' Compensation
Public Adjuster
- No Line of Authority Required
Emergency Adjuster
- No Line of Authority Required
Applicant Can
- Submit adjuster for individuals electronically.
- Submit Adjuster Designated Home State (ADHS) electronically.
- Reinstate a license electronically.
- Add lines of authority to an existing active license electronically.
- Print License electronically.
Business Rules
Company/Independent and public adjuster licenses cannot be held at the same time.
Non-resident public adjuster applicants must hold an active resident public adjuster license in order to apply. Non-resident public adjuster applicants may not select Rhode Island as a designated home state (adjuster DHS).
Adjuster licenses are renewed every two years. The renewal date is the birth month of the licensee. Examples: You first apply in April 2017 and your birthday is in December. Your first renewal will be December 2018. You first apply in April 2017 and your birthday is in June, your first renewal will be June 2019.
Applicant must be eighteen (18) years old or older as determined from the applicant's date of birth.
Rhode Island requires a valid business email address on all applications. While it is the licensee's responsibility to renew his/her license, as a courtesy, Rhode Island sends electronic license renewal reminders to the business e-mail address associated with a license.
- Background Check Requirements
- All Rhode Island residents must provide a certified background check (BCI). For additional information, please visit and choose the "Information on Background Checks" link.
- A Massachusetts resident that declares Rhode Island as his/her home state (adjuster DHS) must fill out a CORI request form and the Rhode Island Insurance Division will submit the background check request on behalf of the applicant.
- Exam Requirements
- All Rhode Island residents, and all applicants that are designating Rhode Island as his/her home state (adjuster DHS), must pass the applicable Rhode Island adjuster exam at a PearsonVue testing center. Applicants should call PearsonVue at 800-274-3739 or visit for additional information about exam locations and hours, and to schedule your exam. Rhode Island examination content outlines can be found here.
- Emergency Adjuster Licensing
- Emergency adjuster licenses are not renewable and expire after 120 days. If after expiration an insurer determines there is a need for an extension, such extension must be directly attributable to the emergency for which the adjuster was initially utilized and the adjuster can reapply for a new emergency adjuster license the day after the expiration date.
- Licensees that hold an active Rhode Island adjuster license are prohibited from applying for or holding a Rhode Island emergency adjuster license. All public adjuster licensees are not eligible for an emergency adjuster license under any circumstance. Emergency adjusters may only perform work for the designated employer, on behalf of an insurer.
- Rhode Island will trigger the emergency adjuster license by issuing an Industry Alert. Please check the Insurance Division's website for such notification prior to applying. All emergency adjuster applications received when the statute has not been triggered will be rejected.
- Adjuster Designated Home State (ADHS) Rules:
- Applicant's state designated as home state or resident state must match current PDB record.
- In order for an applicant to designate a home state during the application process, the applicant must have an active non-resident adjuster license on the Producer Database (PDB) and no active resident adjuster license
- Applicants that have an active resident producer (non-adjuster) license and no active resident adjuster license may not apply for an adjuster license using the resident producer (non-adjuster) license.
- Only applicants applying for Company Adjuster and Independent Adjuster may select Rhode Island as the Adjuster Designated Home State while applying for their Non Resident Rhode Island license.
- Applicant may select any Designated Home State in which the applicant holds a non-resident adjuster license while applying for their Rhode Island Non-Resident Company Adjuster or Independent Adjuster license.
- Applicants applying for Public Adjuster and Emergency Adjuster licenses may not select Rhode Island as the Adjuster Designated Home State
- Independent and Company Insurance Adjuster Licensing Instructions:
- Rhode Island resident independent and company/staff adjusters: Before you apply for a license at NIPR you must wait 3-5 days for your exam results to be loaded for electronic validation. You cannot move through the application and apply for your line of authority without the exam results loaded in the backend system. B.C.I (State Background Check) requirements: you will need to obtain a B.C.I. (State Background Check) from the RI Attorney General<RI%20Attorney%20General> and send it to<>. We will not accept a B.C.I. that is over 30 days old.
- Non-Resident independent and company/staff adjusters: Before you apply for a license at NIPR you must have an active resident license in your resident state or an active DHS license on the PDB. If you are a company adjuster who lives in a state who licenses independent adjusters, then you must first get a resident license in your resident state. While NIPR cannot electronically validate every selection during the application, when the application is sent to us for review, we manually verify the resident or DHS license status on the applicant’s PDB report.
- RI will award DHS status to a Massachusetts resident who exclusively adjusts in Massachusetts and Rhode Island*. You must pass the Rhode Island adjuster licensing exam and complete the CORI request form below.
- DHS independent and company adjusters Non-residents residing in a state without independent adjuster licensing). These applicants are exclusively residents of MA, NJ, PA, MD, VA, OH, TN, IL, WI, IA, MO, KS, NE, SD, ND, CO, DC. Residents of these jurisdictions must choose a designated home state (DHS) in which to become fully licensed. You can choose Rhode Island but most jurisdictions are not reciprocal with the RI DHS status, and you may have extra requirements to become licensed in other states. If you choose Rhode Island as your DHS then you must qualify as a Rhode Island resident (pass the licensing exam, wait 3-5 days to apply for a license at NIPR, and provide a criminal background check from your resident state.)
- If you choose another state as your DHS we will reciprocate, and you will qualify for a license in RI. However, our NIPR business rules will not verify DHS selections at the time of application and all such applications will be sent to RI for a manual review of the applicant’s national producer database (PDB) report. If an applicant selects a DHS that is not reflected on their PDB report, the application will be rejected, and the licensing fee will not be refunded.
Contact Information
Mailing AddressRhode Island Department of Business Regulation
Attention: Licensing
1511 Pontiac Avenue, Building 69-2
Cranston, RI 02920
United States
(401) 462-9520
Special Instructions
Frequently Asked Questions
Online printing information can be found by going to NIPR's license print page and selecting the state.
By email or mail
1 year
Rhode Island licensees can submit primary name changes electronically through NIPR. Please access the following link:
Rhode Island licensees can submit primary name changes electronically through NIPR. Please access the following link:
Applicants may submit DRLP through NIPR electronically. Please click here to be directed to the DRLP update informational page.
By email or mail
By email or mail
NIPR is currently working with Rhode Island to make access to Continuing Education (CE) transcript data available via MYNIPR.
Click here to be directed to MyNIPR application.