Producer Database (PDB)

The Producer Database (PDB) is a central repository of producer licensing information updated on a timely basis by participating state insurance departments. Currently, the PDB includes information from all 50 states, as well as the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands.


Electronic Funds Transfer

Insurance companies can go directly through the NIPR Gateway if they program and build their own front end in the format and syntax that NIPR expects to receive data from industry and states so it can be transmitted to the NIPR Gateway. Please contact NIPR for a copy of the Transaction Layout Document. To submit electronic appointments/terminations directly through the NIPR Gateway, the company must pay the state fees via electronic funds transfer (EFT).

Implementation Guide for EFT opens a PDF

Information Maintained in the PDB

  • General demographic information such as name and address(es)
  • License information, such as states licensed, license numbers, authorized lines and license status
  • Appointment information, such as company appointments, effective date, termination date and termination reason
  • Regulatory actions (if reported)

Become a Subscriber

Contact us to become a subscriber.

Contact NIPR

Other Producer Database Features Include

Detail Reports

Detail Reports allow subscribers to view all supplied information for a single producer, agency or company. This report will return information from all participating jurisdictions.

Detail Reports include:

  • General demographic information such as name and address
  • License information such as states licensed, license number, license status and lines of authority
  • Appointment information such as company appointments, effective date, termination date and termination reason
  • Regulatory Actions (RIRS)


Notifications for targeted individuals and agencies indicating a change has been made to the data stored in the Producer Database (PDB).

Alerts include:

  • Appointments - Receives, renews or terminates an appointment
  • Demographics - Changes to a residence, business, mailing or other address in one or all of the licensed jurisdictions.
  • Licensing - Amends, cancels, changes or adds a line or license
  • Regulatory Actions (RIRS) - A final regulatory action taken against them by a jurisdiction

Batch Reports

Retrieve information from PDB Detail Report in a batch file. Producers may be typed in or submitted in comma-delimited (csv) files. The data can be returned via .pdf or .xml format.

XML allows the user to import, filter and manipulate the data without worrying about incompatible programs, computer networks, data structures and operating systems.

Reporting Rules

The information contained in the PDB is subject to the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). Only entities with a "permissible purpose" will be allowed to access this information. Primary users of the PDB are entities involved in the business of insurance. The primary purpose of the PDB is to facilitate the ability to track pertinent information regarding licensed producers.

Your Rights Under the FCRA opens a PDF FCRA User Notice opens a PDF FCRA Dispute Form opens a PDF