Attachment Warehouse
Attachment Warehouse is a tool, used by all states, that electronically receives, stores and shares with regulators, licensing related documents submitted to report an action, in response to a "Yes" on a uniform background question, or to forward additional required documents.
Attachment Warehouse Expansion
NIPR’s Attachment Warehouse has been expanded to allow producers to upload supporting documents not related to a “yes” response to a uniform background question. This update eliminates the need for applicants to email, mail, or fax additional licensing documents directly to the state insurance department. Select the Additional Licensing Documents section below to be directed to the log-in page.
Use Background Questions Supporting Documents (BQSD) if you have answered "yes" to any of the uniform background questions on a pending uniform application/renewal and need to attach supporting documentation.
Things you can do with BQSD:
View previously entered document file(s) for any application type/background question. Associate a document file to a different application type/background question. Add a new document file to an application type/background question. BQSD Attachment WarehouseUse Reporting of Actions (ROA) if you need to report a final administrative, criminal or civil action to the state(s) in which an active license is held.
Things you can do with ROA:
Create a new reporting of action with files already in the warehouse. Add a new Reporting of Action and upload new document file(s). Add a new document file to a previously entered reporting of action. Associate a file already in the Attachment Warehouse to a reporting of action. ROA Attachment WarehouseUse Additional Licensing Documents (ALD) if you need to submit documents to the state insurance departments for any pending uniform application/renewal.
Things you can do with ALD:
View previously entered documents file(s) for any application type. Associate a document file to a different application type. Add a new document type to an application type. Additional Licensing Documents