User Experience Survey
Your feedback is important to us! Please share your thoughts in our quick survey. User Experience Survey
Your feedback is important to us! Please share your thoughts in our quick survey. User Experience Survey
Your feedback is important to us! Please share your thoughts in our quick survey. User Experience Survey
Your feedback is important to us! Please share your thoughts in our quick survey. User Experience Survey
Your feedback is important to us! Please share your thoughts in our quick survey.
- Fees shown are state fees only. These fees do not include NIPR transaction fees.
- All fees are charged per application.
- The late renewal fee for insurance producer applicants will be an additional $25 per month for up to one year past license expiration date.
PLEASE NOTE: If you receive a duplicate application warning from NIPR, please STOP and call the NIPR help desk or the department’s help desk at 573-751-3518 to determine the cause of the warning and prevent duplicate fee payments, which may not be refundable.
- Avoid these common errors that cause duplicate fee payments:
- Applicant marked the incorrect line of authority when completing the application.
- Applicant applied for a business entity producer (BEP) license that was already held by the BEP.
- Applicant completed two (2) identical applications.
- Applicant applied for a license they are not required to hold.
Insurance Producer
- Renewal Fee: $100.00
- Late Renewal Fee: $25.00
Surplus Lines
- Renewal Fee: $100.00
Motor Vehicle Extended Services Contract
- Renewal Fee: $25.00
- Please note that license class names can vary by state.
Insurance Producer
- Life
- Accident & Health or Sickness
- Variable Life and Variable Annuities
- Property
- Casualty
- Personal Lines
- Credit
- Crop
- Travel
- Title
Surplus Lines
- Surplus Lines
Motor Vehicle Extended Services Contract
- Motor Vehicle Extended Services Contract
Applicant Can
- Submit renewals for individuals electronically.
- Submit renewals for major lines of authority.
- Submit renewals for limited lines of authority.
- Submit renewals for Surplus Lines for individuals.
- Late renew through NIPR's Resident License Renewal (RLR) Application.
- Print license electronically.
Applicant Cannot
- Submit partial renewals.
Business Rules
Renewal period starts ninety (90) days prior to license expiration date.
Missouri does not accept partial renewals electronically.
- Applicants with a status reason of Voluntary Surrender are not eligible for renewal. Applicant is required to apply as a new applicant and meet all initial licensing requirements.
Insurance Producer applicant will be allowed to late-renew license electronically for up to one year past license expiration date. After one year the applicant may reinstate through the initial licensing application.
Surplus lines applicant can reapply for their license starting the day after the expiration date. Note: Exam requirements and all initial licensing requirements apply for Surplus Lines reinstatement transactions.
- Motor Vehicle Extended Services Contract applicants may reapply through Non-Resident Licensing application the day after expiration date. New licensing requirements will need to be met.
If applicant responds "yes" to one of the background questions please submit supporting documents electronically via NIPR's Attachments Warehouse. The documents may also be submitted to the state via mail, email, or fax.
All License Classes
Renewal Period Begins: Ninety (90) days prior to expiration.
Renewal Period Ends: Expiration
Late Renewal Period: For up to one year past license expiration date.
NIPR verifies compliance with the states CE requirement prior to allowing submission of a renewal application. You may select your resident state on the following link: Verify My CE to view your CE transcript and determine whether the state has updated your status to compliant in their system and on what date. It generally takes up to 72 hours from the compliance date for the status to be updated in our system.
Insurance Producer
- Life
- Accident & Health or Sickness
- Property
- Casualty
- Title
Contact Information
Mailing AddressMissouri Department of Commerce and Insurance
P.O. Box 690
Jefferson City, MO 65102
United States
(573) 751-3518
(573) 526-3416
Frequently Asked Questions
Online printing information can be found by going to NIPR's license print page and selecting the state.
- Pearson Vue 1-866-274-4740
- One Year
Missouri licensees can submit primary name changes electronically through NIPR. Please access the following link:
Missouri licensees can submit primary name changes electronically through NIPR. Please access the following link:
- Licensee must submit a signed statement indicating that they wish to cancel or surrender license or line of authority. Statement must include licensee name and license number.
- The statement may be e-mailed as an attachment to or faxed to 573-526-3416.
The one-time waiver applies to military families, which is defined as active duty members, their spouses, honorably discharged veterans and their spouses, and surviving spouses of deceased service members who have not remarried. (325.015.1 RSMo). To apply for the waiver go to Please note that you will have to apply on paper if you receive the waiver. The paper application may be found at
The one-time low-income waiver applies to any individual a) whose household adjusted gross income is below one hundred thirty percent of the federal poverty line or a higher threshold to be set by the department of commerce and insurance by rule; or (b) who is enrolled in a state or federal public assistance program including, but not limited to, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, the MO HealthNet program, or the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. (325.015.1(3) RSMo). To apply for the waiver go to Please note that you will have to apply on paper if you receive the waiver. The paper application may be found at
NIPR is currently working with Missouri to make access to Continuing Education (CE) transcript data available via MYNIPR.
Click here to be directed to MyNIPR application.