- Fees shown are state fees only. These fees do not include NIPR transaction fees.
- All fees are per application.
Business Entity Producer
- Renewal Fee: $150.00
Car Rental Limited License
- Renewal Fee: $215.00
Portable Electronics Limited License
- Renewal Fee: $500.00
Self-Service Storage Facility
- Renewal Fee: $50.00
Travel Insurance
- Renewal Fee: $500.00
- Renewal Fee: $0.00
- Fee Disclaimers: Applicant not charged a state fee, only NIPR transaction fee.
Pharmacy Benefit Manager
- Renewal Fee: $500.00
Premium Finance Company
- Renewal Fee: $400.00
Third Party Administrator
- Renewal Fee: $200.00
Third Party Prescription Program
- Renewal Fee: $50.00
Employee Leasing Company
- Renewal Fee: $1000.00
Viatical Settlement Broker
- Renewal Fee: $500.00
Public Adjuster
- Renewal Fee: $250.00
- Please note that license class names can vary by state.
- Applications for Other lines of authority will defer to state for approval.
Business Entity Producer
DRLP Required
- No Line of Authority Required
Travel Insurance
DRLP Required
- No Line of Authority Required
Pharmacy Benefit Manager
- No Line of Authority Required
Premium Finance Company
- No Line of Authority Required
Third Party Administrator
- No Line of Authority Required
Third Party Prescription Program
- No Line of Authority Required
Employee Leasing Company
- No Line of Authority Required
Viatical Settlement Broker
DRLP Required
- Viatical Settlement Broker
Public Adjuster
DRLP Required
- No Line of Authority Required
No DRLP Required
- Navigator Certificate
Self Service Storage Facility
No DRLP Required
- Self Service Storage Facility
Car Rental Limited License
No DRLP Required
- Car Rental Limited License
Portable Electronics
No DRLP Required
- No Line of Authority Required
Applicant Can
- Submit renewals for business entities electronically.
- Submit renewals for major lines of authority.
- Submit renewals for limited lines of authority.
- Submit renewals for surplus lines for business entities.
- Print licenses electronically.
Applicant Cannot
- Late renew through NIPR's Resident License Renewal (RLR) Application
- Submit partial renewals.
Business Rules
Effective July 1, 2023, the Department will no longer accept paper applications. All applications must be filed through NIPR.com and all fees must be paid through EFT in the NIPR.com system. Any paper apps received on or after July 1, 2023, will be mailed back to the sender. Any applications received late as a result of submission of a paper application being returned will be the responsibility of the applicant and all lapses in licensure and any penalty fees for late submission will remain in place.
The Illinois Department of Insurance will be phasing out renewal reminders at the beginning of January 2024. NIPR has a free app that can be downloaded by all producers for iOS and Android devices that can be set up to send automatic reminders prior to license expiration dates. The Department requests all licensees to utilize this free services.
Applicant must renew their license by the expiration date. Electronic renewals will not be available for expired licenses.
Illinois Department of Insurance requires a list of all affiliations before a navigator certificate license will be renewed.
Business Entity Navigator Certificate applicants cannot change the line of authority (LOA) on a renewal application. If you need to change your LOA please apply by paper directly with the Illinois Department of Insurance at https://www.naic.org/documents/committees_ex_pltf_plwg_be_renewal_insurance producer_app_20132015_clean.pdf.
- Each DRLP entered must be actively licensed in Illinois (resident or non-resident). Unlicensed DRLPs are not permitted.
Business Entity applicants renewing Viatical Settlement Broker must enter a Designated Responsible Licensed Producer (DRLP) that is actively licensed as a Viatical Settlement Broker on PDB.
Business Entity applicants renewing Public Adjuster must enter a Designated Responsible Licensed Producer (DRLP) that is actively licensed as a Public Adjuster on PDB.
If renewal is for navigator certificate license class with line of authority (LOA) of navigator or LOA of in person counselor, at least one (1) Designated Responsible License insurance producer (DRLP) must hold an active resident or non-resident navigator license with the navigator LOA in Illinois.
Illinois Department of Insurance requires proof that the Navigator Federal Training was taken before issuing a navigator license for renewal. Please scan and email a copy of the certificate of completion of the entire federal training provided at the end of the online training course to the Illinois Department of Insurance.
At least one (1) of the DRLP specified on the application must also be specified as an owner, partner, officer or director.
If applicant responds "yes" to one of the background questions please submit supporting documents electronically via NIPR's Attachments Warehouse. The documents may also be submitted to the state via mail, email, or fax.
Business Entity Producer
Renewal Period: Biennially ninety (90) days prior to expiration - May 31st.
Late Renewal Period: N/A.
Travel Insurance
Renewal Period: Forty-five (45) days before license expiration date - annually on 5/31
Late Renewal: N/A.
Portable Electronics Limited License
Renewal Period: Biennially ninety (90) days prior to expiration
Late Renewal Period: N/A.
Pharmacy Benefit Manager
Renewal Period: Biennially ninety (90) days prior to expiration
Late Renewal Period: N/A.
Premium Finance Company
Renewal Period: Biennially ninety (90) days prior to expiration
Late Renewal Period: N/A.
Third Party Administrator
Renewal Period: Biennially ninety (90) days prior to expiration
Late Renewal Period: N/A.
Third Party Prescription Program
Renewal Period: Biennially ninety (90) days prior to expiration
Late Renewal Period: N/A.
Employee Leasing Company
Renewal Period: Biennially ninety (90) days prior to expiration
Late Renewal Period: N/A.
Viatical Settlement Broker
Renewal Period: Biennially ninety (90) days prior to expiration
Late Renewal Period: N/A.
Public Adjuster
Renewal Period: Biennially ninety (90) days prior to expiration
Late Renewal Period: N/A.
Renewal Period: Annually (45) days prior to October 31st.
Late Renewal Period: N/A.
Self Service Storage Facility
Renewal Period: Biennially ninety (90) days prior to expiration
Late Renewal Period: N/A.
Car Rental Limited License
Renewal Period: Biennially ninety (90) days prior to expiration
Late Renewal Period: N/A.
Contact Information
Mailing AddressIllinois Department of Insurance
320 West Washington Street
Springfield, IL 62767-0001
United States
(217) 782-6366
(217) 557-8455
Special Instructions
Illinois Department of Insurance
ATTN: Licensing Unit
122 S Michigan Ave, 19th Floor
Chicago, IL 60603
Frequently Asked Questions
Online printing information can be found by going to NIPR's license print page and selecting the state.
One Year
Applicants may submit DRLP through NIPR electronically. Please click here to be directed to the DRLP update informational page.
Changes to Owner’s Partners Officers and Directors do not need to be reported to the state.
Mail in a signed request (including entity license number) to:
Illinois Department of Insurance
Attn: Licensing Unit
320 W Washington St
Springfield, IL 62767