User Experience Survey
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Your feedback is important to us! Please share your thoughts in our quick survey. User Experience Survey
Your feedback is important to us! Please share your thoughts in our quick survey. User Experience Survey
Your feedback is important to us! Please share your thoughts in our quick survey. User Experience Survey
Your feedback is important to us! Please share your thoughts in our quick survey.
- Fees shown are state fees only. These fees do not include NIPR transaction fees.
- All fees are charged per application.
Resident Producer Individual
- Renewal Fee: $55.00
- Late Renewal Fee: $165.00
- Reinstatement Fee: $165.00
Resident Surplus Lines Producer
- Renewal Fee: $200.00
- Late Renewal Fee: $400.00
- Reinstatement Fee: $400.00
Resident Limited Lines Producer Individual
- Renewal Fee: $55.00
- Late Renewal Fee: $165.00
- Reinstatement Fee: $165.00
Resident Title Agent
- Renewal Fee: $55.00
- Late Renewal Fee: $165.00
- Reinstatement Fee: $165.00
Motor Vehicle Physical Damage Appraiser
- Renewal Fee: $55.00
- Late Renewal Fee: $55.00
Resident Public Adjuster
- Renewal Fee: $200.00
- Late Renewal Fee: $400.00
Resident Viatical Settlements Broker
- Renewal Fee: $100.00
- Late Renewal Fee: $100.00
Resident Limited Lines Travel Insurance Producer Individual
- Renewal Fee: $400.00
- Late Renewal Fee: $400.00
- Please note that license class names can vary by state.
Resident Producer Individual
- Life & Fixed Annuities
- Accident & Health
- Variable Life/Variable Annuity
- Property & Allied Lines
- Casualty & Allied Lines
- Personal Lines
Resident Limited Lines Travel Insurance Producer Individual
- No Line of Authority Required.
Resident Surplus Lines Producer
- Property & Casualty
Resident Public Adjuster
- No Line of Authority Required.
Resident Limited Lines Producer Individual
- Credit Products
- Crop Hail
- Motor Vehicle Rental
- Portable Electronics Insurance
- Restricted Property
- Restricted Fraternal
- Self-Service Storage
Resident Title Agent
- Title
Motor Vehicle Physical Damage Appraiser
- No Line of Authority Required
Resident Viatical Settlements Broker
- No Line of Authority Required.
Applicant Can
- Submit renewals for individuals electronically.
- Submit renewals for major lines of authority.
- Submit renewals for limited lines of authority.
- Submit renewals for surplus lines for individuals.
- Late renew through NIPR's Resident License Renewal (RLR) Application.
- License printing available electronically.
- Print Licenses Electronically.
Applicant Cannot
- Submit partial renewals.
Business Rules
Renewal is determined by the expiration date of the license.
Individual applicant's NPN must match current PDB record.
Individual applicants renewing RESIDENT PRODUCER INDIVIDUAL, Resident Title Agent and Resident Public Adjuster must be CE compliant.
Applicants cannot renew or reinstate license day 1 through day 3 after expiration date (may apply on day 4).
Licenses within the late renewal cycle window will remain in active status beginning the day after license expiration and continue until 60 days after expiration. After 60 days, the license status will change to inactive.
Applicants cannot renew or reinstate license day 61 through day 63 after expiration date (may apply on day 64).
Resident Producer Individual, Resident Surplus Lines Producer, RES LTD LINE PROD INDIV, Resident Title Agent and Resident Public Adjuster licenses renew biennially by last day of the birth month. Notices are sent 60 days in advance of renewal.
Reinstatement of inactive license LOA's are accepted through Resident Licensing Renewal (RLR) if the LOA status reason is "Failure to Renew – Reinstateable" or "Canceled for Continuing Education – Reinstateable."
Applicant must hold an active renewable license in Pennsylvania and an active equivalent license for the requested lines of authority (LOAs) in Pennsylvania.
- Applicants renewing the following license classes may renew from expiration date until 60 days after expiration date. After 61 days applicant must reapply through the Resident Licensing application:
- Resident Public Adjuster
- Motor Vehicle Physical Damage Appraiser
- CE required for the following classes:
- Resident Title Agent
- Resident Public Adjuster
- If applicant responds "yes" to one of the background questions please submit supporting documents electronically via NIPR's Attachments Warehouse. The documents are stated as follows and may be submitted to the state via mail, email, or fax:
- A written statement summarizing the details of each incident.
- A copy of the Petition, Complaint or other document that commenced the criminal, lawsuit, arbitration, or mediation proceedings.
- A copy of the official document, which demonstrates the resolution of the charges or any final judgment. Pennsylvania will also accept emailed documentation.
If you have questions concerning documentation requirements, please email the compliance unit on the state website.
Resident Producer Individual
Renewal Period: Sixty (60) days prior to expiration - Day after expiration date.
Late Renewal Period: Fourth (4th) day after license expiration - Sixty (60) days after license expiration
Reinstatement Period: Sixty Fourth (64th) day after license expiration - One year after license expiration
Resident Limited Lines Producer Individual
Renewal Period: Sixty (60) days prior to expiration - Day after expiration date.
Late Renewal Period: Fourth (4th) day after license expiration - Sixty (60) days after license expiration
Reinstatement Period: Sixty Fourth (64th) day after license expiration - One year after license expiration
Resident Title Agent
Renewal Period: Sixty (60) days prior to expiration - Day after expiration date.
Late Renewal Period: Fourth (4th) day after license expiration - Sixty (60) days after license expiration
Reinstatement Period: Sixty Fourth (64th) day after license expiration - One year after license expiration
Resident Surplus Lines Producer
Renewal Period: Sixty (60) days prior to expiration - Day after expiration date.
Late Renewal Period: Fourth (4th) day after license expiration - Sixty (60) days after license expiration
Reinstatement Period: Sixty Fourth (64th) day after license expiration - One year after license expiration
Resident Public Adjuster
Renewal Period: Sixty (60) days prior to expiration - Day after expiration date.
Late Renewal Period: Fourth (4th) day after license expiration - Sixty (60) days after license expiration
Reinstatement Period: N/A
Resident Viatical Settlements Broker
Renewal Period: Sixty (60) days prior to expiration - Day after expiration date.
Late Renewal Period: Fourth (4th) day after license expiration - Sixty (60) days after license expiration
Reinstatement Period: N/A
Motor Vehicle Physical Damage Appraiser
Renewal Period: Sixty (60) days prior to expiration - Annually by June 30th.
Late Renewal Period: Fourth (4th) day after license expiration - Sixty (60) days after license expiration
Reinstatement Period: N/A
Resident Limited Lines Travel Insurance Producer Individual
Renewal Period: Sixty (60) days prior to expiration - Day after expiration date.
Late Renewal Period: Fourth (4th) day after license expiration - Sixty First (60) day after license expiration.
Reinstatement Period: N/A
- NIPR does not verify compliance with the states CE requirement prior to allowing submission of a renewal application, however compliance is required prior to the states approval of the request. You may select your resident state on the following link: Verify My CE to view your CE transcript and determine whether the state has updated your status to compliant in their system and on what date. It generally takes up to 72 hours from the compliance date for the status to be updated in our system.
Resident Producer Individual
- Life & Fixed Annuities
- Accident & Health
- Property & Allied Lines
- Casualty & Allied Lines
- Personal Lines
Resident Title Agent
- Title
Resident Public Adjuster
Contact Information
Mailing AddressPennsylvania Insurance Department
1209 Strawberry Square
Harrisburg, PA 17120
United States
(717) 787-3840
(717) 787-8553
Frequently Asked Questions
Online printing information can be found by going to NIPR's license print page and selecting the state.
One Year from the passing date
PSI- or (888-818-5822)
PA does not track the owners, officer, partners, directors, etc. of a business entity unless the individual is a DRLP.
Reapplication is required. See Licensing FAQ here. Please contact the state at 717-787-3840 or if additional guidance is needed.
For resident individual producers who need to obtain a clearance letter for change of home state purposes or surrender their license or line of authority, a request form can be obtained here.
For non-resident individual producers or business entities, the license may simply expire by disregarding the renewal invoice. If early surrender is required, a request form can be obtained here.
See Licensing FAQ here. Please contact the state at 717-787-3840 or if additional guidance is needed.