Published Friday, May 29, 2020

KANSAS CITY, Mo (May 28, 2020) The National Insurance Producer Registry (NIPR) welcomes four new members to its Board of Directors effective immediately. Joining the board are Kansas Insurance Commissioner Vicki Schmidt, Director of the Nebraska Department Insurance Bruce R. Ramge, Julie Harrison representing the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors (NAIFA), and Anthony Maddox representing America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) 

"The experience of our four new board members will be invaluable as we continue our mission of providing costeffective, streamlined and uniform licensing data and compliance services for insurance professionals," said NIPR CEO Karen Stakem Hornig. "With our new board member’s mix of legislative, regulatory, and industry experience, we feel well-positioned for the future of NIPR."

Vicki Schmidt was elected Kansas Insurance Commissioner on November 5, 2018. Before her election, she was a Kansas legislator for 14 years, including six years as the chair of the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee. She also holds the unique distinction of being the only pharmacist in the U.S. to hold a statewide office. Commissioner Schmidt is currently the chair of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) Property and Casualty Insurance (C) Committee.

Bruce Ramge was appointed Director of the Nebraska Department of Insurance on November 15, 2010. Prior to his appointment, he was responsible for various departments within the Nebraska DOI. He currently serves as the chair of the Interstate Insurance Product Regulation Compact Audit Committee and as a member of the NAIC Audit Committee, in addition to previously chairing various committees at the NAIC.

Julie Harrison serves as Government Relations State Chapter Director at the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors (NAIFA), where she leads their new initiative to design and execute a multi-state advocacy program. Julie joins the board with ten years of government affairs experience, the last five of which as the State Affairs Manager for NAMIC.

Anthony Maddox is a Senior Associate in Government Relations for AFLAC, having worked for them the past sixteen years. Additional responsibilities within AFLAC included strategy, competitive intelligence, and research. He has previously worked for Marriott Hotels, PepsiCo, Yum Brands, and Orion Food Systems. Anthony will be representing AHIP on the NIPR board.

About NIPR

NIPR is a not-for-profit technology company with the goal of streamlining the producer licensing process. Governed by a Board of Directors representing state insurance regulators and members of the insurance industry, NIPR is an affiliate of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. To learn more, visit