- Fees shown are state fees only. These fees do not include NIPR transaction fees.
- Fees are per application.
- Additional Fee: Resident Public Adjuster, Resident Independent Adjuster and Resident Producer $10 (Technology Fee)
- Technology fee - The 2020 legislature passed a provision that requires many applicants for licensure and current licensees to pay up to a $10 fee to cover the costs associated with implementing the Department's electronic licensing systems. This new legislation affects insurance producers, public adjusters and independent adjusters and is added to the total cost of the license or license renewal. In return for paying the technology fee, insurance producers and their education providers will no longer have to pay on a per transaction basis to use many of the online services such as printing a license, requesting letters of certification, making address or name changes, etc.
Insurance Producer
- Renewal Fee: $50.00
- Late Renewal Fee: $100.00
- Fee Disclaimers: An additional $50 is charged per line of authority.
Crop Hail Adjuster
- Renewal Fee: $50.00
Independent Adjuster
- Renewal Fee: $50.00
- Late Renewal Fee: $100.00
- Fee Disclaimers: An additional $50 is charged per line of authority.
Public Adjuster
- Renewal Fee: $50.00
- Late Renewal Fee: $100.00
- Fee Disclaimers: An additional $50 is charged per line of authority.
Res Reinsurance Intermediary Brokers
- Renewal Fee: $150.00
Res Reinsurance Intermediary Managers
- Renewal Fee: $150.00
Surplus Lines
- Renewal Fee: $500.00
- Please note that license class names can vary by state.
- Applications for Other lines of authority will defer to state for approval.
Insurance Producer
- Life
- Accident & Health
- Variable Annuities & Variable Life
- Property
- Casualty
- Personal Lines
- Farm Property & Liability
- Credit
- Travel
- Bail Bonds
- Title
Catastrophe Adjuster
- Catastrophe Adjuster Property & Casualty
Crop Hail Adjuster
- No Line of Authority Required
Independent Adjuster
- Independent Adjuster Property & Casualty
- Independent Adjuster Crop Insurance
- Independent Adjuster Workers' Compensation
Public Adjuster
- Public Adjuster Property & Casualty
- Public Adjuster Crop Insurance
- Public Adjuster Workers' Compensation
Res Reinsurance Intermediary Brokers
- No Line of Authority Required
Res Reinsurance Intermediary Managers
- No Line of Authority Required
Surplus Lines
- Surplus Lines
Applicant Can
- Submit renewals for individuals electronically.
- Submit renewals for major lines of authority.
- Submit renewals for limited lines of authority.
- Submit renewals for Surplus Lines for individuals.
- Late renew through NIPR's Resident License Renewal (RLR) Application.
- Submit Partial renewals.
- Print license electronically.
Business Rules
No CE validations will be performed by NIPR on behalf of the state.
Applicant must be eighteen (18) years old or older as determined from the applicant's date of birth.
Surplus Lines applicants must already hold Property and Casualty on Minnesotan Insurance Producer license.
Applicant must provide a valid business email address.
Applicant must hold an active renewable license in Minnesota.
Applicants must actively hold or renew single lines of Property and Casualty to renew Surplus Lines.
- The following license classes with the status reason of failure to renew or suspended for education may reinstate their inactive license up to one (1) year past their expiration date:
- Insurance Producer
- Independent Adjuster
- Public Adjuster
- The following license classes with a status reason of failure to renew may reinstate their inactive license up to one (1) year past their expiration date:
- Crop Hail Adjuster
Insurance Producer, Crop Hail Adjuster, Independent Adjuster, and Public Adjuster licenses that are one (1) year or more past license expiration date must apply as new through NIPR's Resident License (RL) Application. Catastrophe Adjusters do not renew.
Applicant must hold an active resident Producer license in MN to renew a Reinsurance Intermediary Broker or a Reinsurance Intermediary Manager license.
Resident Reinsurance Intermediary Managers and Resident Reinsurance Intermediary Brokers renewal cycle is Annually.
If applicant responds "yes" to one of the background questions please submit supporting documents electronically via NIPR's Attachments Warehouse. The documents may also be submitted to the state via mail or email at licensing.commerce@state.mn.us.
- The Minnesota Department of Commerce will ask for information, such as a SSN, that is classified as private data under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (Minnesota Statutes, chapter 13). The Data Practices Act requires any governmental entity asking an individual to supply private data to inform the individual of:
- The purpose and intended use of the requested data.
- Whether the individual may refuse to supply the requested data or is legally required to supply it.
- Any known consequence of supplying or refusing to supply private data.
- The identity of other persons or entities authorized by state or federal law to receive the data.
The information contained in 1-4 is called a "Tennessen Warning" and is set forth below. The Tennessen Warning also satisfies the federal notice requirement under 5 U.S.C. 552a Note, which is triggered by our request for private data on the application.
If the Commissioner of Commerce issues a license, all information contained in the application, except SSN and non-designated addresses, will be public pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 13.41, subdivision 5.
- The data given is needed to identify applicant, enable contact when required, assist in determining qualifications and eligibility of the license applied for, comply with certain federal and state reporting requirements, and evaluate the administration and management of this licensing/registration program. Applicant is legally required to supply all of the data required on the uniform application pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 60K.36, subdivision 2 as a insurance producer, or Minnesota Statutes, section 72B.04, subdivision 4, as not legally required to supply any other data requested on the application. Refuse to supply data requested on the application, and the application will not be processed. Whatever information supplied to the Department will be maintained by the state, whether or not your application is approved. The information is collected on the application will be classified as either public or private data. Public data will be accessible to the public. Private data, specifically about the applicant, will only be accessible to:
- The applicant.
- State personnel who determine licensure eligibility.
- Employees of license database vendors.
- The Minnesota Department of Revenue (Minnesota Statutes, section 270C.72, subdivision 4).
- The public authority responsible for child support in Minnesota (Minnesota Statutes, section 256.978).
- Any appropriate person(s) or agency, if the Commissioner or Commerce determines that failure to make the data accessible is likely to create a clear and present danger to public health or safety.
- Person(s) authorized by a court order.
- Any person authorized by state or federal law.
- The Minnesota Department of Commerce will ask for information, such as a SSN, that is classified as private data under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (Minnesota Statutes, chapter 13). The Data Practices Act requires any governmental entity asking an individual to supply private data to inform the individual of:
Res Reinsurance Intermediary Brokers
Renewal Period Begins:Ninety (90) days prior to expiration.
Renewal Period Ends: October 31st.
Res Reinsurance Intermediary Managers
Renewal Period Begins:Ninety (90) days prior to expiration.
Renewal Period Ends: October 31st.
All Other License Classes
Renewal Period Begins: Ninety (90) days prior to expiration.
Renewal Period Ends: October 31st.
Late Renewal Period: One (1) day and up to one (1) year past expiration date.
NIPR does not verify compliance with the states CE requirement prior to allowing submission of a renewal application, however compliance is required prior to the states approval of the request. You may select your resident state on the following link: Verify My CE to view your CE transcript and determine whether the state has updated your status to compliant in their system and on what date. It generally takes up to 72 hours from the compliance date for the status to be updated in our system.
Contact Information
Mailing AddressMinnesota Department of Commerce
85 - 7th Place East, Suite 280
St. Paul, MN 55101
United States
(651) 539-1599
Minnesota Department of Commerce:
Frequently Asked Questions
Online printing information can be found by going to NIPR's license print page and selecting the state..
Three Years
For residency type changes please email the Minnesota Department of Insurance at licensing.commerce@state.mn.us