- Fees shown are state fees only. These fees do not include NIPR transaction fees.
- All fees are per application.
Independent Adjuster
- Renewal Fee: $75.00
Portable Electronics Adjuster
- Renewal Fee: $75.00
- Please note that license class names can vary by state.
- All adjuster applications will defer to the state for approval.
- Any changes to the lines of the authority on the license being renewed must be made directly with the state.
Independent Adjuster
- Life
- Health
- Property
- Casualty
- Personal Lines
- Crop
Portable Electronics Adjuster
- Property
- Casualty
Applicant Can
- Submit adjuster license application for individuals electronically.
- Print licenses electronically.
Applicant Cannot
- Submit Adjuster Designated Home State (ADHS) electronically.
- Submit a partial renewal. All Lines of Authority must be renewed.
Business Rules
Applicant must hold an active renewable license in Alaska.
All submitted phone numbers must be exactly 10 digits.
- If applicant responds "yes" to one of the background questions please submit supporting documents electronically via NIPR's Attachments Warehouse. The documents may also be submitted to the state via mail, email, or fax.
- If licensee identifies that administrative action has been taken or the licensee has had a criminal conviction or been charged with a crime, a statement of the circumstances and copies of the court documents must be filed for review. Administrative actions require copies of the action to and review by staff to verify and approve renewal of the license.
- Applications not completed within four (4) months from the date filed will be considered withdrawn and new application forms and fees will be required pursuant to Alaska Statute 21.27.040(f).
- License expiration occurs on the last day of birth month biennially.
All License Classes
Renewal Period Begins: Ninety (90) days prior to expiration.
Renewal Period Ends: Expiration date.
Contact Information
Mailing AddressAlaska Division of Insurance
P.O. Box 110805
Juneau, AK 99811-0805
United States
(907) 465-2515
(907) 465-3422
Frequently Asked Questions
Online printing information can be found by going to NIPR's license print page and selecting the state.
One Year
Alaska licensees can submit primary name changes electronically through NIPR. Please access the following link: https://pdb.nipr.com/my-nipr/frontend/identify-licensee
Alaska licensees can submit primary name changes electronically through NIPR. Please access the following link: https://pdb.nipr.com/my-nipr/frontend/identify-licensee
How do entities/individuals report changes to O/P/O/D - Owners, Officers, Partners, Directors?
Licensees can cancel their license by completing our cancellation form which can be located at: Request to Cancel License Form
NIPR is currently working with Alaska to make access to Continuing Education (CE) transcript data available via MYNIPR.
Click here to be directed to MyNIPR application.